Monday 22 January 2018

CYBER DCMS pass the buck on age verification - Pandora Blake

DCMS pass the buck on age verification - Pandora Blake: "Given the DCMS have taken seven months to produce their guidance, which they started before the Digital Economy Act was passed, it seems a little cheeky to expect the BBFC to turn their guidance around instantaneously. Nonetheless, enforcement is meant to begin on 27 April 2018, by which point the regulator needs to have been designated, held a consultation, and produced guidance.

The chances of site owners having any time at all to actually implement age verification by the time all this has happened seem vanishingly slim.

If the BBFC have finished their own process by then it will have been a rush job, without taking sufficient time to make age verification workable and robust. Our best hope at this stage is for the April deadline to be put back to allow time for things to be done properly." 'via Blog this'

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