Wednesday 23 April 2014

"A total map of everyday life" data retention decision: The good, the bad and the ugly

Matron: "A total map of everyday life" - Today’s data retention decision: The good, the bad and the ugly: "Commissioner Malmstroem, who currently still oversees that part of the Commission responsible for the Data Retention Directive, has already issued her own version of history. In an FAQ document released today, she specifically claims that:

 “National legislation needs to be amended only with regard to aspects that become contrary to EU law after a judgment by the European Court of Justice. Furthermore, a finding of invalidity of the Directive does not cancel the ability for Member States under the e-Privacy Directive (2002/58/EC) to oblige retention of data.”**

 Put that in your pipe and smoke it, pesky privacy nerds!

So, onwards and upwards it is! No rest for the wicked and all that. At least the upcoming European Parliament elections and Commission rotation will hopefully give all of us a bit of a much-needed breather. " 'via Blog this'

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